SXSW 2019

Fighting For Our Right To Play


Surviving a zombie apocalypse. Going on a treasure hunting escapade. Plotting your own “great escape.” What do these experiences all have in common? They’re all interactive stories that millions are playing, and they were all created by kids. Psychology experts have long warned that the significant decline in self-directed play facing younger generations is a major issue. Self-directed play is essential for kids of all ages and fosters imagination and creativity. This panel will engage the audience in an interactive discussion about how we can enable young minds to forge their own experiences through self-directed creative exploration, and why it’s crucial to empower kid creator communities, not direct them.

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  1. Is playtime over in today’s tech-driven world and what does that mean for the future of learning and our communities?
  2. What are risks with the momentous decline in the amount of self-directed play among younger generations today? How will it affect future society?
  3. How can we inspire young minds to share ideas and experiences that will help them forge the future of innovation and creativity?


  • Craig Donato, Chief Business Officer, Roblox
  • Peter Gray, American psychologist, Research Professor of Psychology at Boston College and author of Free to Learn, Boston College


Shannon Kalvig, PR, Perch Partners

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Dual
  • Track: Social & Global Impact
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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