SXSW 2019

Money Talks: How to Formalize Pay Equity


The push for equal pay for equal impact has been happening for decades, but while the conversation has reached a fever pitch, for businesses to date, it’s been little more than lip service. Led by SameWorks, the only company offering equal pay certification in the U.S., the session will cover how companies can take pay equity from idea to execution and best practices for formalizing efforts. As one of the first companies to receive equal pay certification, Square Root will join to offer a case study on how to get leadership buy-in, what pay equity looks like in execution, and how building a transparent, trusting, and caring workplace culture has impacted recruiting and satisfaction.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. So you want to talk money. Learn how to partner with your leadership on pay equity initiatives.
  2. Whether you’re an early stage startup or an established enterprise, learn how to formalize your pay equity efforts.
  3. Learn the ‘whats and whys’ for measuring the impact of pay equity efforts on culture, retention to business performance.


  • Courtney Branson, Director of People + Culture , Square Root
  • Crystal Hansen, CEO and Founder, SameWorks


Gabby Byers, PR Representative , Kickstand Communications

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Dual
  • Track: Future Workplace
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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