SXSW 2019

The Last Mile: Last Mobile Solutions


For decades, organizations have been trying to solve the last-mile problem, particularly in Africa: how to overcome poor postal systems, connectivity issues, and infrastructural deficits to bring goods and services to areas that are just beyond the reach of current rural and urban logistics. Mobile solutions have changed data gathering and engagement with these hard-to-reach places. People living within the last mile can now access digital financial services, streamlined communications, and even virtual medical visits. Organizations can much more efficiently collect data to create new products and services that closely address customer needs. Panelists will discuss what’s next for last-mobile in Africa, and how current solutions can be applied further up the value chain around the world.

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  1. The lastmile has been an under-explored market due to the difficulties and costs associated with reaching it.
  2. With the advent of affordable mobile technology, the last mile is no longer anywhere near as challenging as it once was.
  3. Africa’s last mile markets are primed and ready for business now that difficulty-of-access has been solved through last mobile solutions.



Victoria Crandall, Director of Media Relations, Africa Expert Network/Insider

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Tech Industry & Enterprise
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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