SXSW 2019

Building a Universal Healthcare Blockchain


Access is the most important problem facing the global healthcare industry today.
In over 100 countries around the world, millions of patients do not have a convenient, immediate or affordable access to basic healthcare. The reality is many patients either cannot afford to pay for services, lack effective insurance, or live too far away to get timely assistance. In addition, data from thousands of patient visits is fragmented across disconnected systems, making it very difficult to conduct cost-effective research and bring better healthcare solutions to market more quickly. And many large, complex healthcare institutions simply cannot keep up with technology innovation to address these issues. A new solution is needed -- one that truly democratizes healthcare for all.

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  1. Blockchain offers an alternative to the complex, less secure, expensive and time-consuming process of managing patient data across many platforms.
  2. Blockchain and AI can work together to transition into a better, decentralized and universal healthcare system, where basic care is free to all.
  3. Building a decentralized database of medical knowledge will improve research and ultimately bring more effective healthcare solutions to market.



Isaac Steinmetz, Senior Associate, Spark PR

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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