Keeping It Real: Experiential Learning at Scale
Schools need to provide relevant, experiential learning to all students -- but have little capacity to scale. Thirteen League of Innovative Schools districts are designing a solution to scale real-world learning opportunities for all, not just a few. Learn about how the districts are employing a design-thinking Challenge Collaborative model to create, pilot and scale a solution to address shared real world learning needs within their local context. See a prototype demo of the solution!
Related Media
- Learn about a new model for collaboration across districts and schools to create scalable solutions
- Learn about methods and approaches for scaling real-world learning opportunities
- Learn about how to contextual real-world learning to multiple geographies, communities and learning contexts
- Kimberly Smith, Executive Director, League of Innovative Schools, Digital Promise
- Ann Linson, Superintendent, East Noble School District
- Matt Miller, Superintendent, Lakota Local Schools
Kimberly Smith, Exec Dir, League of Innovative Schools, Digital Promise
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