Coding + Making with Scratch + micro:bit
Double the creative possibilities by connecting physical and digital worlds. Learn how to use Scratch programming blocks for interacting with the popular, low-cost micro:bit device. Use the micro:bit tilt sensor to control characters in your Scratch game, and program animations on the micro:bit LED display. A hands-on collaborative workshop for participants with any level of experience.
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- Create an interactive project that combines the digital + physical using Scratch to program the micro:bit
- Design a workshop or activity that uses Scratch + micro:bit to engage kids in computing and making
- Ideas for how to use Scratch + micro:bit in creative ways to explore computational thinking & making across a wide variety of interests/ subject areas
- Kreg Hanning, Researcher/Graduate Student, MIT Media Lab
- Hal Speed, Chief of Global Engagement, Micro:bit Foundation
- Jaleesa Trapp, Researcher/Graduate Student, MIT Media Lab
Kreg Hanning, Researcher/Graduate Student, MIT Media Lab
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