SXSW 2019

Mobilizing Cross-Sector Innovation to Save Lives


Increased frequencies in historical disasters and critical incidents place life-line services such as power, water, and communications at great risk. GOV needs help identifying, procuring, and implementing new technologies to keep-pace, adapt, and respond to changing threat environments. Are you ready to support emergency responder’s and city planners with accelerating tech development and building a culture of cross-sector preparedness? DHS is thinking differently to deliver quality and timely solutions, in shorter periods of time, with greater impacts and cost savings. You are laying the foundation for your city’s future and we want to hear from you to ensure your hometown is prepared, secure, and resilient. Join us to find out how and help GOV save lives!

Related Media

Other Resources / Information


  1. How are interagency collaborates building a culture of preparedness? Learn where GOV needs help solving problems and accelerating tech solutions.
  2. How is GOV making it easier to work with startups? Learn about procurement tools, funding opportunities, and what is needed to remove barriers.
  3. If a campus, city, or state wants to serve as a smart-tech test bed for disaster preparedness, how can DHS help? What does that process entail?



Daniel Conway, Stakeholder Partnerships Manager, DHS Science and Technology

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Cities, Government & Politics
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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