Learner Variability: Why Research Says It Matters
Growing classroom diversity, research, sophistication of technology, & 21st-century job requirements puts us on a path to consider personalized learning. Yet, in order to do so in a way that keeps expectations high for each learner, we must first understand & address learner variability. This session will define learner variability & show through Digital Promise's Learner Positioning Systems (LPS), a free web app, how we make the research easily accessible for teachers and edtech developers.
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- Define Learner Variability.
- Discuss what the research says matters in learning by detailing the LPS Learner Model framework and demonstrating the LPS tool.
- Show how both practitioners and edtech developers can benefit by tapping into the web app.
- Vic Vuchic, Chief Innovation Officer, Digital Promise Global
Vic Vuchic, Chief Innovation Officer, Digital Promise Global
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