SXSW 2019

Crypto and Consumers: Impacts Seen and Unseen


Are cryptocurrencies and blockchain having the consumer impact they envisioned? What are the social implications of blockchain technology? Is this fintech revolution actually helping people save money, invest money, and live richer lives? Inverse's panel will bring together leaders in the enterprise setting (IBM's Jesse Lund), consumer setting, a Is this fintech revolution actually helping people save money, invest money, and live richer lives? Inverse's panel will bring together leaders in the enterprise setting (IBM's Jesse Lund), consumer setting, and Duke's Campbell Harvey, 2016 president of the American Finance Association and an early, frequent commentator on Blockchain and digital currencies and tokens. Our panel will be moderated by Coindesk's Leigh Cuen, who will pull no punches.

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  1. The end of the speculative bubble has refocused the community on use cases, innovation, and dampened interest from speculators
  2. Digital currencies are yielding immediate consumer benefits in some cases, for example remittances, but early adoption will likely be outside US
  3. While there are many promising applications of this technology, little value has been created (yet) outside the cryptocurrency application


  • Leigh Cuen , Reporter , Coindesk
  • Campbell Harvey , Professor , Duke University
  • Jesse Lund , Lead, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger market development, IBM


James Dennin , Innovation Editor , Inverse

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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