A 360° Experience on Learner Variability
The moment a teacher opens the door to their classroom at the beginning of a new school year, if they understand learner variability, they will see a design challenge, not a student problem. This session begins by defining learner variability and launching into an analysis of a 360° experience, Failure to Communicate, featuring middle school students who portray how their characters are unique learners. The film shows how, after coaching, one teacher taps the research to turn her class around.
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Other Resources / Information
- To understand learner variability from the POV of teacher and student, as well as how teacher-to-teacher coaching is critical.
- To understand how 360° experiences can be immersive and impactful.
- To understand that learning sciences research shows what can be done to address each learner's unique needs.
- Barbara Pape, Director of Communications, LPS, Digital Promise Global
- Dimitri Moore, Video Producer & Digital Storytelling Coach, Digital Promise Global
Barbara Pape, Director of Communications, LPS, Digital Promise Global
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