SXSW 2019

Appalachian Entrepreneur Ecosystem Builders


Rural Appalachia has unique challenges in entrepreneurship and ecosystem development. This panel will explore those challenges as well as highlighting success stories throughout Appalachia. Often times, entrepreneurship has to happen in rural Appalachia for communities to survive, especially in coal-impacted areas. Rural ecosystem builders are building partners and relationships allowing rural entrepreneurship to change the economy of Appalachia. Success stories about entrepreneurs need to be cultivated and shared to help increase the notion that entrepreneurship is open and accessible to all, regardless of geographic location.
This panel of women ecosystem builders are creating models to scaled across rural America.

Other Resources / Information


  1. Why Entrepreneurship is essential for Rural Appalachia.
  2. Connections, partners and collaborations form Rural ecosystems - why ecosystem is the missing component in rural.
  3. Rural is different entrepreneurship and ecosystem builders are meeting the challenges head on!



Tina Metzer, Executive Director, New Biz Launchpad/Eastern WV CTC

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Entrepreneurship & Startups
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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