SXSW 2019

Online Humor in Difficult Times


What is the role of online humor in difficult times? Does humor help us deal with difficult politics, or does it exacerbate social divides? Can humor help marginalized communities or further entrench power? Does humor help to propagate fake news or amplify important truths? Over the past year, we’ve seen the intersection of meme culture, GIFs, hashtags, selfies, puns and other aspects of online humor being dissected and discussed everywhere from the halls of government to international news. In this panel, we bring together online humorists, meme creators, writers, and researchers to discuss online humor's role in society, news, politics, culture, activism, and online life.

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  1. Online humor can run the spectrum from deeply funny to deadly serious, often at the same time.
  2. Online humor has intents and impacts and can create serious social change (for better or for worse)
  3. Online humor is endlessly fascinating.



An Xiao Mina, Research Affiliate / Director of Product, Berkman Klein Center, Harvard University / Meedan

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Dual
  • Track: Intelligent Future
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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