SXSW 2019

From Healthcare to HealthCAR: Passenger to Patient


Parallel digital transformations are occurring in the transportation and healthcare industries, inspiring the redefinition patient and passenger experiences. At the intersection of innovation, experts from IEEE and USC’s Center for Body Computing joined forces with designers and engineers from a major automotive manufacturer (TBA) to reimagine the role of autonomous vehicles in supporting health and human safety. This panel will showcase the world’s first, advanced “health car” prototype, demonstrating the use cases that inspired innovation. Learn about the design process and the commonly available sensors, software, medical and non-medical technologies leveraged for design. Join us to discuss the health car of the future and how this innovation may impact your future commute!

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  1. How do the healthcare and transportation industries intersect? What are the feasible use cases for a health car? Could it change our commute? How?
  2. How did IEEE, USC and TBA Automobile Company conceive the health car prototype, and why? How does it work, and what is it capable of doing?
  3. What are the cost, security, data management and ethical factors to consider in building health tech into next-generation vehicles? Can I try it out?



Leigh Durst, CEO / Consultant, Live Path / IEEE

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Intelligent Future
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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