SXSW 2019

ICOs: The Next Generation


Token offerings are evolving beyond the Wild West environment. Regulators are engaging, institutional investors are getting involved, technology is advancing, and entrepreneurs are gaining experience with token-based business models. How are ICO models changing, in the US and around the world? Can concerns about fraud, legal compliance, and governance be addressed without stifling innovation? Will we look back on ICOs as a short-term bubble or the foundation of a durable new investment form? Is the real opportunity in creating decentralized businesses where users fund development, programmable “securities tokens” that transform Wall Street, or something else? This panel of leading legal and financial experts on token offerings will highlight the latest developments around the world.

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  1. The latest market and regulatory developments in the world of ICOs (cryptocurrency token offerings), in the US and around the globe.
  2. The rise of "security tokens," which seek to disrupt Wall Street by tokenizing trillions of dollars of assets.
  3. How the ICO community can mature from a fraud-laden speculative environment into a major global pillar of capital formation and business creation.



Kevin Werbach, Professor, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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