SXSW 2019
Small Photos, Big Data: A Connectivity Manifesto
On the mobile web, images serve a greater purpose than simple visual description. Rich media images are increasingly used to connect people, events, institutions, ideas, advocacy and commerce. As we move into a new era of visual communication, this trend is accelerating. While the use of connected images blossomed on social media services, it reaches far beyond walled gardens into API-based interchange on the open web. Machine learning and linked data are creating new methods to make connections, and the Data Transfer Project is opening up access to the underlying graph for portability and innovation. In this presentation, we will explore the current state of visual media connectivity, what it can do for you, how to enhance your own image connectivity, and how to avoid costly mistakes.
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Other Resources / Information
- Understand how the connectivity of web images changes the way information is shared and propagated.
- Understand the ways that images can be connected to people, data, ideas, commerce and advocacy through linked data, machine learning and other methods
- Develop a strategy for making use of connected images to further the goals of your personal, institutional or corporate communication.
- Peter Krogh, Owner, DAM Useful Publishing
- Anna Dickson, Photo Lead, Google
Peter Krogh, Owner, DAM Useful Publishing
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