SXSW 2019

Artists In Control: Technology and the New DIY


Technology continues to change the landscape for DIY artists that want to call their own shots. In the last year, the Blockchain has appeared as a potential solution for many of the problems facing anyone looking to release music: fair pay/trade for streaming, expedited payments, transparent distribution. But what the heck is a smart contract anyway? Can these technologies really streamline royalty payments and add transparency to an until-now murky process? What impact will the new token-based economy have on how artists engage with fans and business partners? How do new Blockchain platforms stack-up as compared to existing DIY distribution and crowdfunding alternatives?

Other Resources / Information


  1. How do new Blockchain platforms stack-up as compared to existing DIY distribution and crowdfunding alternatives?
  2. What impact will the new token-based economy have on how artists engage with fans and business partners?
  3. Can these technologies really streamline royalty payments and add transparency to an until-now murky process?



Brandon Schmidt, Artist / Industry Relations, eMusic

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Music Industry & Culture
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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