SXSW 2019

The Worst Boss I Ever Had Was A Woman


It’s irrefutable: Diversifying the workplace with a greater percentage of women's leadership shows a significant lift to the bottom line. A Catalyst study showed a 42% increase in sales and 53% return on equity for gender-diverse boards, yet fewer than 10% of women make it to senior or board levels in many companies. Why do women continue to exit high growth industries at such alarming levels?

Marginalized communities are stronger in numbers, yet in male dominated industries, women stall in their careers, exit companies altogether, or worse, step on each other to be a part of the good old boys club. This session goes beyond the echo chamber of women and diversity and focuses on solutions that benefit all companies - how women can best support each other to drive the bottom line.

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  1. How women can support each other on a personal and systemic level, regardless of rank or level in the workplace.
  2. How to foster a spirit of male allyship and encourage mentorship and sponsorship in the workplace.
  3. How the collaboration of women supporting women, along with strong male allyship can positively impact the bottom line.



Jessica Thibodeau, Director of Marketing, HERdacity

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Dual
  • Track: Future Workplace
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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