SXSW 2019

Health Data Moral Dilemmas, and How to Remedy Them


Digital health is exploding as a field, with a record $5.8 billion in startup investments in 2017. We are creating more data than ever about our health and habits. Much of it is put to good use, helping patients manage conditions, allowing researchers to understand the patient experience, and keeping providers up to date. But what happens when health data is used in reprehensible ways? Contributing to medical identity theft or feeding an AI-powered bot that denies reimbursement for other patients are all real concerns. In this conversation, our panel of experts will speak about their experiences and concerns regarding ethical issues surrounding digital health data and reveal how those involved can overcome their roadblocks to using digital health data for positive change.

Additional Supporting Materials


  1. What are ethical issues related to health data and its use? What are some of the consequences to current health data infrastructure?
  2. Why are the ethical issues surrounding digital health data important to understand? Are there issues on the horizon that we can collectively prevent?
  3. What are proposed solutions to these ethical challenges? What role do researchers, policymakers, individuals, & others play in creating change?


  • Bray Patrick-Lake, Director of Stakeholder Engagement, Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative; Director of Patient Engagement, CTSA, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University
  • Craig Lipset, Head of Clinical Innovation within Global Product Development , Pfizer
  • Ifeoma Ajunwa, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior, Cornell University
  • Camille Nebeker, Assistant Professor, UC San Diego


Taylor Cusher, Associate Director, FasterCures

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Health & MedTech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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