SXSW 2019

To Err is Human. To Solve Is Necessary


Deaths due to adverse events and mistakes in hospitals is now the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. In 1999, when ‘To Err Is Human’ was published, at least 100,000 people were dying needlessly each year. That number has more than doubled – even while hospitals have attempted to improve. If a 777 Jumbo Jet fell out of the sky every day, we’d hold the airlines accountable. What’s missing in health care?

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Other Resources / Information


  1. What Are We Missing? Understand how the legal system responds & seeks to prevent medical errors & the effect of tort reform on this issue.
  2. What Do We Not Understand? Learn about the full scope of the issue and the relationship between unmet social needs and preventable deaths.
  3. What Will It Take To Change This? Understand the key partnerships and opportunities for innovation needed to save lives.



Roanna Flowers, Program Developer, Texas McCombs Healthcare Innovation Initiative

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Dual
  • Track: Health & MedTech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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