SXSW 2019

How Sweet is Our Future?


Increased education and the evolving definition of healthy demand a response, which in the food & beverage industry often means reformulation. With the demonization of sugar, its adverse effect on public health, and the upcoming changes of the nutrition facts panel, brands are forced to reevaluate their products to determine their congruency with consumer values. Necessity is the mother of invention, and the current matriarch is demanding alternatives to sugar. As consumers become more attuned to how much sugar they ingest daily, they are reevaluating choices they have made for decades – especially in beverages. This session will focus on sugar’s historical role in beverages, alternative sweeteners and novel sweetener technology, that may be the future of sweetness.

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  1. Gain a better understanding of how sweetener systems in beverage development is changing.
  2. Be able to identify some of the most disruptive and compelling brands in the beverage sector.
  3. Understand the health benefits associated with some more novel/less common ingredients more frequently being utilized in beverages.


  • Andy Dratt, Chief Commercial Officer, Imbibe


Holly McHugh, Marketing Associate, Imbibe

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Food
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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