Libraries as Maker Magnets


What happens in a Future Ready Library? Students consume less and make more! Explore why and how libraries are becoming ground zero for the maker revolution, empowering students as creators while teaching students to be empowered learners, innovative designers, and global collaborators. Learn from librarians and educational leaders how libraries engage learners with authentic STEM, computational thinking, and project-based learning.

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  1. Explore educational shifts from student consumption to student creation/design to design a learner-centered maker environment
  2. Develop an understanding of digital age learning standards (empowered learners, innovative designers, computational thinker, et. al.)
  3. Identify strategies to ensure equity of access to making, design, and creation opportunities for all students



Mark Ray, Director of Innovation and Library Services, Vancouver Public Schools

Meta Information:

  • Tags: libraries, maker ed
  • Event: SXSW EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: K-12 Education
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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