SXSW 2019

Tech Deciphers “Sustainability” From Farm to Fork


Knowing how your food is grown can be tough.
You can hardly be expected to visit every farm that contributes to each meal you eat. You probably don’t know what buffer strips do, where windbreaks are planted, or how conservation tillage works, but you care about the outcomes of those conservation practices.
Where should you turn for answers? How do you assess the quality of the information you’re receiving about your food?
As more people seek out food that was raised sustainably, food labels, packaging and marketing can raise more questions than they answer.
Hear from food experts, conservationists and farmers about new tech that translates the results of on-farm conservation into clear, accurate information you can use to assess the sustainability of your food.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. How can consumers determine the sustainability of their food, without ever visiting a farm (although we’d love it if you did!)?
  2. How is new tech, data and analytics translating on-farm conservation practices into information consumers can use to assess food sustainability?
  3. Tech has moved from the Valley to the farm. What does that mean for on-farm conservation, and why should consumers care?


  • Matt Carstens, Senior Vice President, Land O'Lakes SUSTAIN, Land O'Lakes


Abigail Shilling, Communications, Land O' Lakes

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Food
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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