SXSW 2019

Solving Problems With Technology In Rural Asia


Asia is mobile-first, fast-emerging, young & dynamic. The opportunity in the region is vast- innovative, ambitious companies are solving problems such as last-mile delivery and better hygiene by applying technology in creative ways to keep pace with consumers. Global corporations can be critical in helping these organizations scale. Here, the global head of Unilever’s platform for startup collaboration will show how its ecosystem in Asia has helped Unilever solve business issues around the world while at the same time improving quality of life. Featuring another corporate partner and a startup working with Unilever to educate rural communities about hygiene, the panel will discuss the global opportunity in Asia, and what organizations can learn about working together for mutual success

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  1. Global ‘startnership’ is critical for corporates & startups alike & Asia is fertile ground for innovation for organizations from all over the world
  2. Corporate innovation programs are places where startup talent and technology can flourish and not be squashed or slowed, but potentially save lives
  3. Asia founders are capitalizing on emerging economies to innovate fast, identifying solutions that can be used by corporates & consumers globally


  • Barbara Guerpillon, Head of Unilever Foundry, Unilever
  • Oliver Gilbert, Managing Director, Next Billion
  • Sudipto Roy, Managing Director, Team Unilever AAR (Asia, Africa, Russia) at Mindshare, WPP, WPP


Susie Hughes, Vice President, Allison+Partners

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Entrepreneurship & Startups
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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