SXSW 2019

Racy Conversations 4 Women: Interracial Sisterhood


Who creates social change? Women.

And now, more than ever, we need each other. To succeed at safeguarding ourselves and our communities in the cultural environment we’re in, we must break out of our homogenous circles and stand in solidarity with women who look different than us.
But the truth is, we have some history that is not great.

We need to heal our divides, which requires facing them and taking accountability.
ALL women are created equal. ALL women have an important role to play. Yet 9 times out of 10, women's empowerment events are either largely focused on and attended by white women, or by women of color.

Racy Conversations 4 Women is something different, an opportunity for women of all colors to come together to listen, learn, and develop interracial sisterhood.

Related Media

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Why women of color don't trust white women
  2. Why we can't end sexism without ending racism
  3. What white women can do to make things better- and why its in our self interest to do so



Karen Fleshman, Founder and CEO, Racy Conversations, Inc.

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: Future Workplace
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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