What’s in It for Me? The Power of Projects.


More and more educators around the world are engaging students in project-based learning (PBL), but not all PBL is created equal. Debate over how to design great projects has reigned supreme; however, the more important discussion is about what the student experience and outcomes as a result of PBL ought to include to be high quality. In this panel, audience members will hear from students about how powerful PBL experiences changed their lives and helped them reveal their passions and interests.

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  1. Better understanding of what high quality PBL student experiences include and how they can be used to personalize learning.
  2. Learn examples and see evidence of high quality PBL in practice and how to get started designing these types of personalized learning experiences.
  3. Access to resources and tools to help assess PBL practices and reflect on student outcomes to determine their level of quality.



Rich Dixon, Dir of Online Learning, Buck Institute for Education

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