Rikers: An Education Through Film


Combining discussion with clips from our upcoming PBS documentary, we will explore the intersection between film, education and juvenile justice. Although our society has begun to discuss a "school to prison pipeline," this discussion often excludes the voices of those who suffer from juvenile incarceration. By giving a platform to a formerly incarcerated young man, we hope to ignite a conversation that will demonstrate how storytelling through a kid's lens can function as a learning device.

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  1. Learning, both good and bad, continues while youth are incarcerated. We can boost the good.
  2. Being a nerd is cool. By following the rules, kids keep out of trouble in school and on the street. This shift can break the school to prison pipeline
  3. Boredom is the enemy. By engaging students, teachers can keep kids out of prison and engaged them in social change.



Holly Carter, Founder and Executive Director, BYkids

Meta Information:

  • Tags: storytelling, student voice
  • Event: SXSW EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Student Agency
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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