Moving the Needle on K12 Accessibility


We must view digital educational materials through an accessibility lens if students with disabilities are to have equal access to the general curriculum. What does that mean in today’s classroom? What do teachers, administrators, procurement staff, and direct service providers need to know to comply with the law and most importantly, meet student needs? This overview session provides up to date information and a toolkit to ensure we are more able to meet the needs of all our students.

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  1. Develop accessibility statements, procurement language, and awareness materials for district administrators to avoid legal actions.
  2. Strategies for district technology teams to integrate tools and techniques to support diverse learning needs and improve student outcomes.
  3. Basic techniques to help content providers and procurement officers ensure that digital materials are built or bought with accessibility in mind.



Sharron Rush, Executive Director, Knowbility

Meta Information:

  • Tags: community college
  • Event: SXSW EDU
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: K-12 Education
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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