SXSW 2019

Can Health Technology Increase Compassion?


Some fear that technology will make medicine more rote, less human. What if the opposite is true? As advancements like artificial intelligence begin to outperform humans for diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic effectiveness, physicians can focus on the “art of medicine.” Relationships are more easily built on the trust and mutual respect of facile access. Resiliency—the foundation of good health--is fostered by technology’s shift of the balance of power to patients and its potential to reinforce healthy thoughts and habits.

Additional Supporting Materials


  1. How can artificial intelligence, self-care websites, self-monitoring tools, virtual care, and treatment apps be used to improve the “art of medicine”?
  2. How can technology provide a more compassionate way to encourage healthy habits, self-efficacy, and resiliency?
  3. Building on the initial successes of technology-enhanced care, what will the best methods for getting and staying healthy look like in 5 or 10 years?



David Ring, Associate Dean for Comprehensive Care, Dell Medical School

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Health & MedTech
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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