SXSW 2019

How Women and Men Buy and Use Cannabis Differently


The age of the 20-something stoner dude is over. The new coveted cannabis consumer is female, and she is looking for very different things than her male counterpart.

What are the differences between how women and men shop for cannabis products? What are women looking for that isn't even on men's radars? How can brands better serve the rapidly growing female customer base - especially mature women - who are flocking to cannabis for health and wellness? Let the experts in marketing cannabis products to women guide you through an exploration of cannabis and the sexes.

Hear from a web pioneer, a funded cannabis entrepreneur, and savvy cannabis marketers, and gain insight from the insiders. The panel will include exclusive data from a new survey of women about cannabis usage.

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  1. Learn specific ways that marketing cannabis to women differs from marketing to men and how to leverage those differences.
  2. Find out what tactics attract women and get them to take action so you can engage with them.
  3. Gain insights on how to win the hearts and minds of discerning female consumers and turn them into cannabis evangelists.



Aliza Sherman, Co-founder and CEO, Ellementa

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Cannabusiness
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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