Using Comics to Engage & Empower Student Literacy
This workshop provides educators with specific planning and facilitation strategies for using comic books in classrooms to increase student literacy and intrinsic academic motivation while offering models of civic engagement. Participants will synthesize the science of brain development, literacy routines, and problem posing pedagogy into equitable instructional plans involving the use of image-based narratives in order to transform students into critical readers and empowered writers.
Other Resources / Information
- Workshop participants will be able to connect how the use of comic books in classrooms employs brain-based visual learning.
- Workshop participants will be able to practice critical literacy routines using comic books in order to incorporate comics into their curriculum
- Workshop participants will be able to compose essential questions for teaching units using comic books to model civic engagement for their students.
- Peter Carlson, Curriculum Specialist, Green Dot Public Schools
Peter Carlson, Curriculum Specialist, Green Dot Public Schools
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