Soul Food: African Americans in the Food Industry


Black food culture is American food culture. In efforts to increase black representation in America's farming, food processing, and food retail industries, Soul Food will rediscover Afro American's contributions to our food culture and what are ways can African American gain a stronger presence in farming, grocery, food processing, and restaurants.

Related Media


  1. To revisit African American contributions to American food, from slave times to today.
  2. To highlight current success stories of Blacks in farming, grocery, food processing, and restaurants.
  3. To explore strategies on how blacks can start and run more successful food businesses in America's cities, particularly black cities.



Raphael Wright, Social Entrepreneur, Neighborhood Grocery

Meta Information:

  • Tags: civic engagement
  • Event: SXSW EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Equity
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Field Experience

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