SXSW 2019

Viral Culture: The Internet’s Effect on Us All


The internet is drastically what we consume, and how we consume it. More than that: It’s changing who we are and how we relate to each other. Hear internet culture experts discuss the implications. The dizzying rise of visual culture on the internet, from GIFs to YouTube video to Insta Stories, represents a sea change in how we represent, and think of, ourselves. Join a fireside chat between Amanda Hess (internet culture writer / contributor for the NYTimes), Raymond Braun (leading influencer and founder of RWB Media), and Allison Stern (co-founder of online video data company Tubular Labs) as they paint the picture of our viral culture path with their insights, data, research, and predictions.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Learn about today’s content consumption habits and what viral content has been engaging (with research and data).
  2. Gain a sense of what the viral culture is doing to us at the human level and society level.
  3. Hear predictions on where viral content takes us in the future.


  • Allison Stern, Co-founder, Chief Marketing Officer, Tubular Labs
  • Amanda Hess, Writer, Contributor, NYTimes
  • Raymond Braun, Media Personality, Social Influencer, RWB Media


Feng Hong, Product Marketing Manager, Tubular Labs

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Media & Journalism
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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