SXSW 2019
The Death of Curiosity and Innovation
Your company is losing millions because they are failing to innovate curiously. I’ll share stories from my time at MIT and IDEO on how explorative science died. Organizations actively avoid failure, the unknown, and radical thinking: the foundation of explorative science. What will it take for companies, universities, and society to shift towards messy, playful learning, to become curious again? A lot. We might have to wait for the next generation or two.
Related Media
- How our addiction to ‘valid’ data has hampered thoughtful inquiry.
- How science has become mostly politicized in both academia and in industry and how that kills explorative work.
- The three ingredients needed for explorative innovation: 1. Time for ideas to grow 2. A Belief in Explorative Learning 3. Redefining Science
- Elliott Hedman, Experience Designer, mPath
Elliott Hedman, Experience Designer, mPath
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