SXSW 2019

Art, Race + Open Web VR: The Colored Girls Museum


“We dream of a reality where technology senses what we see, touch and feel; a reality where technology no longer gets in our way, but instead embraces who we are. We dream of technology on a human path.” (thanks to Alex Kipman and our Microsoft collaborators)

Open web VR is still in its early days. With a toolkit that includes A-frame, Azure, photogrammetry, affordable headsets and the promise of Firefox Reality, the Alliance is building a model for accessible, co-creative, XR experiences in the browser that merges documentary, fantasy, and the social imaginary. While we think boldly together about the cultural future of the web and the impact of VR storytelling, you’ll get a preview of The VR Colored Girls Museum, from the women (and men) working to create it.

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  1. Learn about the progress being made in open web VR technology, and its implications for your projects and products.
  2. Glean a whole new understanding of non-extractive, culturally-affirming VR production -- where everyone can be included and nothing is proprietary.
  3. Get a preview of The VR Colored Girls Museum – from the first photo shoot, to the Microsoft Hack For Good, to the latest, co-created VR galleries.



Wendy Levy, Executive Director, The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: VR/AR/MR
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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