SXSW 2019

The State of Cannabis, Coast-to-Coast


“What Are You Smoking” host and cannabis columnist Will Hyde will be joined by representatives of the cannabis industry in Massachusetts, California, and Canada to discuss how the patchwork system of state laws is shaping the cannabis industry -- and not for the better. As cannabis gets legalized on a state-by-state basis, legislative quirks are impacting the kinds of products available to consumers and patients, and making it hard for successful companies to grow, hamstringing competition. Meanwhile, Canada is demonstrating that even federal legalization of cannabis doesn’t always mean predictable standards from province to province. We’ll look at what legislators can do to make things more seamless for the industry and how companies are working around current obstacles.

Other Resources / Information


  1. How are state-by-state legal foibles making it difficult for companies to expand their operations and what are successful companies doing to grow desp
  2. What are consumers and patients missing out on due to these challenges and what can legislators do to help the industry better serve its customers?
  3. How are unique markets in each newly legal state impacting competition in the industry and how could federal legalization shake up that market?


  • William Hyde, Senior Subject Matter Expert, Leafly
  • Amanda Reiman, VP of Community Relations, Flow Kana; Secretary, International Cannabis Farmers Association, Flow Kana
  • JJ O'Brien, VP, Pax Era, PAX Labs
  • Sarah Hanlon, Independent writer, journalist and television host, Self


Renee Beck, PR, Leafly

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Podcast
  • Track: Cannabusiness
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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