SXSW 2019

Build for India


Lots of startups in USA and around the world are building solutions for India. This meetup aims to provide a platform for such startups to come together and share their knowledge. India is a diverse country which cannot be understood without an all out effort to understand its complexity. Solutions which are build for India can be scaled to other developing countries also in the long run. This meetup will focus on the following :
+ Diversity of India
+ Differences between India and USA
+ India vs Bharat (term for rural India)
+ India needs technology or low tech low cost solutions
+ Building open solutions (open software, hardware, design, education etc) for India

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  1. India is a diverse and complex country
  2. Rural India is very different from Urban India
  3. India is very different from USA


  • Saurabh Jain, Vice President, Paytm


Saurabh Jain, Vice President, Paytm

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Meet Up
  • Track: Entrepreneurship & Startups
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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