SXSW 2019
Redesigning Cities through Young Urbans
This session is about how using education and media, it is possible to inspire Brazilian Youth to create projects that can improve their cities. From researches during Stella's PhD about Smart City in Singapore and in Dublin and a YouTube Channel-Smart City Talks where interviewees range from MIT Professors to Brazilian Housing Activists, Stella shares knowledge aiming to connect Young Urbans to their Cities.
Presenting Brazilian cases as Dandara Building, an abandoned government building restored to comfortable apartments in São Paulo downtown area, which improved the neighborhood, Stella demonstrates that Brazil can be a reference of Urban Innovation and she also shows the importance of Young Urbans being aware of the use of technology to integrate Tech Projects and Social Innovation.
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- Brazil can be a reference of Smart City project, due to social innovation promoted by citizens aware of the use of technology.
- Empowering young urbans, by making them more consciously about the integration between technology and City, can improve urban realities
- Knowledge developed in Academia should be more shared with all citizens, mainly by interactive platforms, as social networking and video sharing.
- Stella Hiroki , Educator, Founder of Smart City Talks, PhD Student about Smart City, Keynote Speaker, Smart City Talks
Stella Hiroki , Educator, Founder of Smart City Talks, PhD Student about Smart City, Keynote Speaker, Smart City Talks
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