Teach Kids Global Economy, or Goodbye Welfare


Norway is one of the wealthiest and happiest societies in history. Why? One reason is trust. Norwegians pay their taxes because they get good services in return, and because it helps preserve a safe and egalitarian society which they are deeply attached to. But if the voters and tax-payers of tomorrow don’t understand economics nor taxes, where will their trust go? Tough one. Knut Sverre, from the Oslo agency Hyper, will deliver a report from the frontlines of tech-driven education and learning.

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  1. How to use technology to facilitate the move away from passive, unengaging learning.
  2. How to educate a young audience that prefers digital channels for finding and consuming information.
  3. How vital institutions of state and society can help educate young audiences, thus fostering understanding and trust in the greater social order.



Knut Sverre, Head of EdTech, Hyper

Meta Information:

  • Tags: edtech
  • Event: SXSW EDU
  • Format: Case Study
  • Track: Emerging Tech
  • Session Focus Area
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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