#GetLit for Culturally Relevant Libraries


Finding books that reflect the identities and lived experiences of all students in our classrooms is hard. But it shouldn’t be. During this Campfire, find your community among educators, literature lovers, and champions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion who believe an equitable education is a culturally relevant education. We’ll discuss how to tackle shared challenges, such as time and buy-in, so that you can fill your classroom library with books that are culturally relevant to your students.

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  1. Understand the defining features of culturally responsive teaching and its connection to equity in education
  2. Discover 5+ effective resources to curate culturally responsive texts between online tools, community groups, libraries and various shared strategies
  3. Assess cultural relevance of texts in your school to develop actionable next steps for tackling shared challenges such as admin buy-in, time and money



Christine Bediones, Associate Marketing Manager, EducationSuperHighway

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