SXSW 2019

Too Many Channels!


If you're not reaching the goals for the website or other digital channels, it's because you're doing something wrong. We bet it has something to do with HOW you work. Getting success, both with internal and external digital channels, is through better organization of the work. We will show you how to change the way you think and work, simultaneously avoiding to get stuck in old patterns. Maybe you have lost control over your channels - who you are talking to and why you are using them. We will show you how to see where your problems lie, and give you the tools to fix it. We will also bring examples from organizations in Norway who have done this perfectly.

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  1. You will get a channel map to find which channels deliver results and which you're wasting your time with.
  2. You will get a recipe for how you can use the tools with your colleagues and work more effectively.
  3. We will give you the secret recipe for what to do when you have several channels with the same purpose. (Hint: it starts with DEL and ends with ETE).



Marte Gråberg, Content strategist, Netlife Design

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Dual
  • Track: Design
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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