SXSW 2019

Same Planet, Different Worlds: A New Culture


It’s no secret that brands need to play in culture to remain relevant and connect with consumers. But in today’s world, politics and movements have become embedded within culture, it’s a part of consumers’ lives and has infiltrated all aspects of media. Brands simply won’t win by avoiding historically dreaded political topics as they have in the past; in an age of distrust, brands must stand for something.

But, just how willing are you to be culturally polarizing as a brand? In this session, we will discuss how Smirnoff successfully balances their brand purpose and business objectives in a world that is becoming increasingly polarized.

Participants will learn how to select which cultural moments make sense to take a stand on and redefine what it really means to know your audience.

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  1. 1. How can you as a brand better navigate and participate in society and culture?
  2. 2. How can you better tap into what’s important to your brand’s audience to break through the clutter and build a deeper connection?
  3. 3. What are the different ways that brands can tap into what could be considered politically charged topics?


  • Haley Paas, SVP Head of Strategy & Insights, Carat
  • Luke Atkinson, VP, Smirnoff Global Communications, Diageo
  • Robert Walker, Global Director, Creative Solutions, Spotify


Haley Paas, SVP, Head of Strategy & Insights, Carat USA

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Brands & Marketing
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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