SXSW 2019

AI, Big Ideas, & Shiny Objects: a metaLAB workshop


There is so much buzz about AI. What is real? What is fiction?
This hands-on session, led by artists and researchers from Harvard's metaLAB, will bring together tech professionals, creatives, and scholars to explore AI questions big and small, and come up with quick prototypes and creative solutions with unexpected (and yes, shiny) materials. Steeped in the practice of visualizing ideas, and making complex questions accessible to broad audiences, the workshop will focus on AI's current and future impacts on society, and how to productively contend with and move forward in this exciting and challenging time. Designed for people from diverse fields and perspectives (from the highly technical to not at all technical) to come together, engage, create things, and surface new insights.

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  1. Buzzy tech topics should not be daunting! Everyone can contribute meaningfully to AI convo. Often it is those outside a space that get it most right.
  2. The most promising aspects of new technologies also pose the most risk, and those things with the most risk could also be the greatest opportunities.
  3. Giving something a new shape, especially with unexpected creative materials, can be inspiring and surprisingly productive.



Sarah Newman, Creative Researcher & Principal, metaLAB at Harvard University

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: Intelligent Future
  • Track 2
  • Level: Beginner

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