SXSW 2019

New Gen Holograms with for Immersive Media


How will the new digital reality effect our future? From movies, video games, and media into education, commerce, training and more- using real world captures to create 3D digital people, objects, and environments for any medium has to be cheaper, faster, and easier. Reaching audiences with immersive visuals is the key to engaging in a dynamic and new way. Join a panel of experts from Sony, Intel, and a local Austin business Underminer Studios to dig into the approaches to harnessing and implementing this technology to Humanize the Digital World.

Related Media

Other Resources / Information


  1. What are the capture techniques? Videogrammetry vs. light field and more
  2. Why is processing so expensive? inaccessible? and challenging?
  3. Where can I use these assets? what industry? platform? programs?



Alexandria Porter, CEO, Underminer Studios

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Intelligent Future
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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