SXSW 2025
Unlocking the Power of Artistic Exchanges
In our interconnected world, cultural diplomacy is evolving to emphasize education and artistic exchanges, and new stakeholder networks to foster global cooperation. Join us for a lively discussion with panelists from government, the arts, academia, and technology on the emergence of innovative models and new actors in cultural diplomacy.
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Other Resources / Information
- How are creators and thinkers agents of the new soft power?
- Exploring education as a key to fostering intercultural exchange.
- The significance of cultural diplomacy in enhancing networks to maximize philanthropic impact.
- Savinien Caracostea, Co-Founder, The Meta Foundation
- Mohamed Bouabdallah, Cultural Counselor of France and Director of Villa Albertine, SCAC - IFVEU
- Chloé Bensahel, New Media artist, Artist
- Zach Lieberman, Adjunct Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, MIT media lab
Camille Jeanjean, New Media Officer, SCAC - IFVEU
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