SXSW 2025

Redefining the Game: Writing a New Sports Playbook


Dive into the dynamic shift in sports marketing with Raashi Rosenberger, Head of Brand at Meta Quest, and Andrew Katz, CMO of Athletic Brewing. Learn about Meta Quest's approach to fitness, wellness and sports with their content and NBA partnerships, transforming courtside experiences through mixed reality, and making sports and wellness accessible like never before. Hear Andrew's innovative strategies for redefining non-alcoholic beer marketing, capturing the hearts of competitive and casual athletes, and making Athletic Brewing a top choice for performance-driven lifestyles.

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  1. Targeted Engagement: Understand the importance of tailoring sports marketing campaigns to specific demographics, to create effective brand messages.
  2. Partnerships: Learn how strategic partnerships, such as those between sports teams and innovative brands, can amplify reach, benefiting all.
  3. Tech Integration: Explore how integrating cutting-edge technologies like mixed reality can provide unique and immersive brand experiences.



Raashi Rosenberger, Head of Global Brand Marketing, Meta Quest

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Advertising & Brand Experience
  • Track 2
  • Level: Intermediate

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