Big Ideas to Reality: Innovating Through Partnerships


Discover how strategic partnerships can transform innovative ideas into educational reality. Learn from real-world examples, including a commercial-scale hydroponic farm, a food trailer, a cutting-edge cybersecurity program, and an immersive reality space featuring a 270-degree screen. Gain insights on forging partnerships with universities, tech companies, and community organizations to fuel innovation. Leave equipped with strategies to identify transformative ideas, secure funding, and implement future-focused initiatives that prepare students for an evolving world.

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  1. Learn strategies for identifying and sourcing innovative educational ideas that can transform your district.
  2. Discover techniques for building and leveraging strategic partnerships to bring big ideas to life.
  3. Gain practical insights on securing funding to implement future-focused initiatives.



Matthew Callison, Director of Innovation and Strategic Partnerships, South Fayette Township School District

Meta Information:

  • Tags: implementation, partnerships
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Teaching & Learning
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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