Voices on the Inside: A Multimodal Pop-Up


Poetic Justice intentionally works in women’s incarceration to provide data driven, trauma informed, gender sensitive arts programming. Voices on the Inside, a multimodal exhibit, centers their humanity through audio, photography, poetry, and digital art. Since 2010, there’s been a 700% increase in women’s incarceration. 190,000 women are incarcerated today. Generations- mothers, sisters, daughters, caretakers- removed from our communities. VOTI is rooted in an urgent need for collaborative solutions to amending punitive approaches to incarceration and increasing healing and harm reduction.

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Additional Supporting Materials


  1. Interactive access to courageous conversations, guided by currently incarcerated PJ artists and system-impacted facilitators.
  2. Deeper understanding of artistic choices made in challenging carceral settings and the power of visual and multimodal artifacts as tools for healing
  3. Gender-sensitive perspective on the deeply racist, sexist, and punitive U.S. carceral system designed to dehumanize and traumatize rather than rehab



Reka Barton, Professor, University of Maryland, College Park

Meta Information:

  • Tags: arts integration, storytelling
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Performance
  • Track: Arts & Storytelling
  • Session Focus Area Convergence
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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