SXSW 2025
Putting the HUMAN into HR in the Age of AI
Let’s shift our focus to a unique perspective-prioritizing people over processes. Let's put the H.U.M.A.N. back into HR in the face of AI! In this session, we'll delve into the importance of valuing people over processes when aligning individual and organizational goals. With the increasing role of AI, it's crucial to maintain the human element in HR interactions.
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- • Understand the impact of AI on HR functions and its potential to depersonalize interactions.
- • Learn strategies to improve listening and understanding in HR processes through active listening and empathy.
- • Explore techniques for motivating, adapting, and nurturing employees in a technology-driven HR landscape.
- DeAdrian Maddox, CEO, DMX Consulting, LLC
DeAdrian Maddox, CEO, DMX Consulting, LLC
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