Nurturing Mental Health in Demanding Industries


I want to do a podcast episode or a workshop to help build confidence and empowerment for women in industries that are known to be male-dominated such as Automotive, Culinary, Real Estate, Construction, and so many others. In the workshop, we will go over three key points. One is how to break into the industry. Two is how to protect your mental health. Last is how to build confidence if or when something bad happens. There are many communities and resources to navigate the trade industries and provide a safer place but, they need to be better showcased and highlighted.

Other Resources / Information


  1. How to protect the mind when the workspace has not created a safe space and how to leave a job that is negatively impacting you.
  2. How to build confidence in the beginning of your career.
  3. How to find your tribe and how to find resources that can protect in and out of the work place.



Jazmine Booker, Owner, JBOOKER PRODUCTIONS

Meta Information:

  • Tags: mental health, social justice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Solo
  • Track: Accessibility & Inclusion
  • Session Focus Area Convergence
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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