The Case for Ecosystem Entrepreneurship


To make the dramatic systems change needed to serve kids, we need both social & ecosystem entrepreneurs. The former build radically different and better enterprises in the present, but are subject to developing new models or mechanisms within constraints. The latter build new ecosystem-level capabilities & systems to create new markets and rules, changing how the market operates as a collective for the future. Join four pioneering organization leaders for a candid conversation discussing that tension, highlighting the strategic tradeoffs and differing capabilities in entrepreneurship.

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  1. Understanding how ecosystem entrepreneurship differs from social entrepreneurship with a look at the capabilities & values both approaches bring.
  2. Surface novel ideas, areas of friction, and possibilities for collaboration between entrepreneurs, funders, and those they serve.
  3. Inspiration from leaders of organizations tackling R&D structures, new ideas and leader pipelines, and access to expertise and capital.



Samantha Artukovich, Partner, The Learning Accelerator

Meta Information:

  • Tags: entrepreneurship, market trends
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Startups & Investment
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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